
16 Mar 2012

Edge Hill Ducks - An observation from the library window. Part 2!

As I sit in the library, trying to do work, what do I find as I stare out of the window????

Those beasts!!

In all fairness, I think they just liked being the feature of my previous blog post and thought, "let's be famous again!". Good job, duckies. Enjoy your fame, you harlots.

Sorry for the poor quality. My HTC Wildfire is about as much use as the gummy bear I am growing in a bottle of water. Yes, you read that right. I will share in due course. :)


  1. My college had swans. They were not just seeking attention and fame, however. They were seeking blood. Human blood. Did you know one swipe of a swan's wing can break a human arm?

    1. My mum told me that when I was little. It made to terrified of swans. I saw one chase a dog and I cried a little. :'(

  2. Ducks are okay, but geese are nasty. Once, as a small toddler I was feeding bread to the ducks and a big ol' ugly goose ran up in my business and stole ALL my bread, biting my hand in the process. Meanie.

  3. Those are cute :P
    Is the library in your school/university? At least yours has a lawn, mine was all concrete :(

    1. Everything is all on one campus which is handy. We also have a giant duck pond which is why these things are running around everywhere!!

  4. The local college in our town has a duck pond and there are ducks and geese everywhere.

  5. I'd like to hear more about the gummy bear in water. I like the ducks! Great pic!
